Aon Ultra light & light tackle competition for 2011
The long awaited Aon Ultra Light / Light fishing competition was held on Sunday the 9th October in our traditional
fishing grounds of Galley Reach.
Mixed conditions saw mixed results. One of major changes in condition was Guy Lamont's face. You just couldn’t
wipe the smile off it! Connie (as he is affectionately called) scored two very nice Barra, a Tarpon, one Golden
Trevalley & the customary Black Cod (All on 6kg) for a total of 383 points. This saw Connie take out the light
section of the Aon comp. It also heralded the only time that capture sheets weren't thrown back into the anglers
faces for incorrect details by Mr Lamont.
The hotly contested Aon Ultra Light Section went to Adrian "where the hell am I" Cheah. Adrian seemed quite
stunned that he won the comp, but he deserved the result with a released Barra on 4kg & a 2kg Estuary Cod on
3kg for a total of 154 points.
The runners up for both sections ended up a Ladies affair with Nina Harry & her 5 fish which totaled 134 points to
take out runners up for the Aon Light section. Angie Hicks was the Aon Ultra Light runner up with 91 points.
All winners won beautiful (& incredibly expensive) whacky do knife combos that Aon put up as prizes. The
Sponsor Mr Chris Hagan has warned the male partners of the female winners to be on their best behavior as
these knifes are SUPER sharp.
This competition saw the return to the water ways of the famous Barra catchers of Paul Dean & Bernie. It was
great to see them out & about. Paul even landed a beautiful Threadfin Salmon of around 5kg. Bill Taiaroa & Ian
Stableford, the NZ & South African combination played out a nil all score line. It's been awhile since Bill has been
in a competition up the reach & hope to see more of him on the water.
The NAFA was won by Adrian "where the hell am I" Cheah. It would seem that his lovely wife Lyn advised him, in
a kindly manor we are told, that they were going in circles. Adrian's reply was we carn't be because the GPS
doesn't lie. Luckily they found the main part of the reach & turned the right way to get back home.
Wally Hicks looked so down cast at the presentation that the questioned had to be asked. What's wrong Wally?
Well the tale of yow was excruciating.
- Dropped a Barra in Vanapa
- Had numerous overrun on reels
- Had to retrieve lures out of trees at around 40'
- Found a few sand bars
- Got beaten by the Misses by 23 points
- Couldn't catch a cold even if he wanted to.
- Had enough by 2pm & left the water
- Got a flat tyre on the way home just to add insult to injury.
The fishing God;s just had it in for him by the looks of it. Cheer up Wally the Barra comp is around the corner &
I'm sure you'll do very well in it.
Once again the BSFC would like to thank Aon & Chris "Gadget" Hagan for sponsoring this competition & also for
the BBQ on presentation night. (Just love those burnt chops mate!)
Next Comp is the Boroko Motors Barra Comp which is to be held on the 23rd & 24th of October.
Hopefully the
rain will keep away as the bottom end of the reach will fire up BIG time with some clean warm water.
The SPAC give away esky did not go off due to two boats representatives not showing up for the presentation.
This prize is only given away if a representative from EACH boat that registers for that specific competition is in
attendance for the presentation.
Happy Fishing
Captain Jack